2021 Conventions & Panels

Here are the digital conventions you’ll find me at in 2021.

Auf welchen digitalen Cons ihr mich 2021 antrefft, erfahrt ihr hier.

Animuc (StreaMUC)
April 9–11

Perücken-FAQ (DE)

In my Wig FAQ, I’ll answer your wig styling questions live on stream (in German).

The livestream is hosted by Animexx on Twitch.

Saturday, April 10, 6:45pm CET

June 25–27

Sustainable Fandom (EN)

This panel with my fellow fan researcher Nicolle Lamerichs (NL) focuses on “eco” cosplay and material culture, what we see big companies like Lego and Disney do, and how creative fans really can make a difference!

The panel is on Discord, on Nardio’s CasaCon channel – you can sign up for free.

Sunday, June 27, 12pm ET (US) / 6pm CET

In 2021, I’ve been streaming again on Twitch with our monthly „CoCoCo“ panel discussions. Check out the archive here:

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